I am a.....
..... good girl today and working on my secret project!No it's not a black n' white photo. Yarn: Sidispinnt.ch #butzeria #sidispinnt...

High contrast or not in Double Face?
Double Face Knitting is all about the colors. With the colors you can play around and one pattern will change dramatically if you change the

Which yarn base for Double Face Knitting?
Honestly there is no limit to yarn bases for Double Face Knitting. Some bases, like Merino, Lambs wool, Merino Silk blends flow better into

The 3 Spinners - Knit-to-go
Am Swiss Wulle Festival 2015 in Zug lernte ich Annette und Jürgen von Textil Manufactur Tanz kennen. Zwei ganz tolle Menschen, die...

Seven League Socks
Last year I found Luxxyarns over at Instagram and fall in love with her colours. Following her IG-Stream always thought I Need to ask her...

Diva's mini and big Cape
Most of my designs are inspired by one I made befor. This is also with the Diva's mini and big Cape. The very first design in this line...